Relative pronouns who, which, whose and that I talked to the girl who which whose car had broken down in front of the shop. Mr Richards, who which whose is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.
RELATIVE CLAUSES --------- PART I: DEFINING & NON … EXERCISES (DEFINING & NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES) Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with relative pronouns or relative adverbs: 1. They wanted to show me the new car _____ they had bought in Germany 2. The man ____ you were speaking to earlier is Mike _____ is an expert on network 3. English exercise: Relative Pronouns 2 Practice Exercises Relative pronouns 2 Exercises: Relative Pronouns 2. Share this Advertisements. Write the words in the correct order. Sample last / looked at / house / sold / that / the / we / is / week Q2 of 6 Choose the correct sentence: Peter, which is the manager, is not here today. Pronouns= Review - Los Angeles Mission College
Handout: Relativpronomen Handout: Relativpronomen: Relative clauses (Relativsätze) are clauses added on to a main clause (Hauptsatz) that provide additional information about a noun. They cannot stand on their own but must be part of a sentence. They are introduced by relative pronouns (Relativpronomen). We have them in English, too -- they usually are introduced by French Relative Pronouns - dont, lequel, où, que, qui ... Relative pronouns are connectors - they link relative clauses to main clauses so that you don't have to repeat subjects and objects. There are five French relative pronouns: dont, lequel, où, que, and qui, which are equivalent to seven English relative pronouns and adverbs: that, when, where, which, who, whom, and whose. - Lawless French Grammar Exercises - Intermediate ... - ESL Lounge Student
NAME: DATE: GRAMMAR QUIZ RELATIVE CLAUSES NAME: _____ DATE: GRAMMAR QUIZ RELATIVE CLAUSES Complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of RELATIVE CLAUSES. 1. I know a great little restaurant 9. The movie … we saw last week won … we can get lunch. three awards. a) that a) who English Profile - Spotlight on... Relative Clauses A1 - A2 Spotlight on Relative Clauses A1 - A2 Relative clauses first appear in learner work at the A2 level. Although learners are not generally taught relative clauses until B1, learners can use both defining and non-defining relative clauses at this early stage. However, learners frequently omit the necessary comma with non-defining relative Relative clauses | LearnEnglish Teens - British Council
Banked Gap Fill . All downloads are in PDF Format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. Levels of Difficulty : Elementary Intermediate Advanced Relative pronouns | Learning English | Cambridge English A2 Flyers (YLE Flyers) A2 Key for Schools (KET) B1 Preliminary for Schools (PET) B2 First for Schools (FCE) A2 Key (KET) B1 Preliminary (PET) Relative pronouns Learning English. Start Independent Relative pronouns How difficult was this activity? Too easy OR Too hard. CEFR Level B1-B2 Relative Pronouns - Amazon Web Services Relative Pronouns – Answers A 1. where 4. when 2. which 5. whose 3. who B 1. I bought my first car ten years ago, when I was a salesman. 2. There is a girl in my class whose family emigrated from India. Relative pronoun-English
Relative Pronouns - Exercises. show special characters. display incorrect answers. Exercises. Choose the correct relative pronoun. Este es el libro . estoy leyendo. Type in the correct relative pronoun along with the suggested preposition. Los lápices (con) dibujo son muy caros.