SOME OR ANY. We have got ___ money.We can go and eat at a restaurant. The baby has got ___ milk in his baby bottle.He is drinking it. There isn't ___
Exercise 2 - Indefinite pronouns: some-, any-, no-, every- Choose the correct answer. nothing something. It was really dark and I couldn't see. something anything. live in that house? It doesn't matter where we go. We can go. somewhere anywhere. This is boring. There's. not something nothing. The shop is closed. Somebody Everybody. Test English much many lot few little any no A: How 1 friends do you have on Facebook?. B: I have a 2; maybe one thousand.But from all those Facebook friends, very 3 are my real friends. And you? A: Well, I have 4 time for social networks because I'm always working. So I don't have 5 friends at all. B: I don't have 6 time now either, because I work long hours too, but I think I'm addicted to Facebook. Some and Any Grammar Exercise,English Tests Learn a Language Learn English Lessons Online English Grammar Exercises Quantifiers. English Grammar - Quantifiers - Some and Any Exercise. In the following sentences, fill in the gaps with one of the following determiners: Some, Any. 1) Ann has candies. 2) Bill doesn't have money. Exercises on some / any - 08 - English Vocabulary Exercises on some / any - 08 :: Learn English online - free exercises, explanations, games, teaching materials and plenty of information on English language. :: page 08. › Cram Up › Vocabulary › Some Any › Exercise. Exercises on some / any. Mix - Exercise 3. Fill in the correct word.
uncountable nouns, some and any. Functions: speaking about food quantities whole class. Give students time to do the exercise. Answers student page no. English Worksheet: Some, any & no - Guide with exercises (keys included). Some English Worksheet: Some and any * for beginners *grammar * 3 tasks * with. Some or Any? Use SOME in positive statements. I've read some good books lately. Use “some” with uncountable nouns and with plural countable nouns. 12 Jul 2013 Learn English. 1 FREE English lesson added every single day. Grammar, vocabulary, listening & reading. Did you go anywhere recently? Criminal: Yes I went somewhere. I went to the old man's house to steal his money. Related pages. Exercise Use 'some' with plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns. I've got some bananas and some honey. Use 'any' for negatives or questions with countable and uncountable Write the words from exercise 1 in the correct group. Countable. Some or Any? Choose an answer by clicking on a button then compare your choice with the correct one hidden under the answer button. I'm sure I made ___
Some / Any: Restaurant Dialogue - ESL Lounge Student Some / Any: Restaurant Dialogue. Read through this dialogue between Peter, Jane and the waiter in a restaurant. SOME ANY MUCH MANY A LOT (A) FEW (A) LITTLE 1. There aren’t some / any help. 2. Do you know some / any Americans? 3. We need some / any more coffee. 4. She’s got some / any interesting friends. 5. I didn’t have some / any breakfast today. 6. He hasn’t done some / any work for ten years. 7. Have you got some / any brothers and sisters? 8. I’m having some / any problems with my Choose some or any - English Room BACK GRAMMAR TESTS ENGLISH-ROOM.COM. Choose some or any. Choose the best answer Exercise 2 - Indefinite pronouns: some-, any-, no-, every ...
Elementary - Some vs. Any - YouTube May 20, 2018 · In today's elementary-level video, we are focusing on SOME and ANY. In order to fully understand when to use which, we first have to understand … Some/ Any /No-English > Other English exercises on the same topic: Quantities [Change theme] > Similar tests: - Placement test 1 - Countable or Uncountable? - Some / Any / Much / Many - Some and any - Adverbs of degree - Quantifiers: some, any, no - Countables and uncountables - Few/Little/Less > Double-click on … Elementary grammar exercise: some, any difference – Speakspeak English grammar practice exercise, for elementary learners. In this exercise you will practise the difference between some and any. There is a grammar explanation at the bottom of the page. Exercis…